What strikes me in African and Asian countries I’ve visited is the other side of the medal: how often technological and political changes are impeded by not having or applying existing laws which promote social behavior at the cost of limited individual gains. A constant ‘tragedy of commons’ is being played and everybody loses. Trash is left in public places and common good is given no value. This is a disturbing metaphor which describes a lot of social and political phenomena here in Nigeria. The implementation of technologies within societies without the rule of law transforms the character of technologies from tools of change and progress into instruments of power and support for the status quo. Furthermore, the cultural price that is being paid is a high one: once ignored law becomes very difficult to insist on and respect. It might even call for draconian measures to turn the tides and force compliance with existing rules regulating social interactions and behaviors such as parking, traffic rules and garbage disposal. While we enforce fines and use tickets to induce behavioral changes albeit it begrudgingly, an inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy no longer has this tool. What remains are immediate and draconian punishment. I found this sign in a government parking lot in Abuja. We would probably argue that a parking violation does not warrant deflating tires and violates the principle of proportionality of crime and punishment. However, the erosion of political and social capital in countries like Nigeria often results in an unreasonable escalation of punishment. Enforcing civil behavior using harsh punishment results in even more resentment towards law enforcement and fuels this spiral of mistrust ultimately leading to even less rule of the law.
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